Charles Lo |

Digital Hardware and Software Engineer
e-mail: charles at charleslo dot net


I am interested in hardware design, reconfigurable computing and machine learning. In the past I have designed high-performance and multi-FPGA accelerators for Object Detectors and neural networks. I was also involved with the early development of the Xilinx SDAccel tools for integrating FPGA accelerators in the OpenCL heterogeneous computing framework. Most recently, I have been applying Gaussian processes in Bayesian optimization techniques to perform design-space exploration of High-Level Synthesis and other hardware generators.

Other Projects

Flexible Gaussian process Library GitHub

  • Python 3 software used in research to describe hierarchical Gaussian process models

  • Supports composing squared exponential and linear kernels

  • Uses Cython-based fast exponential library to compute squared exponential kernel

“Image Labelling using Feature Learning and Boltzmann Machine-Augmented CRFs,” ECE1510 Project Report, 2014

  • Evaluated the combination of Neural Networks, Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) and Restricted Boltzmann Machines for image labelling.

  • Image segmentation was performed to obtain superpixels which were inferred using a neural network.

  • A CRF was then used to smooth labelling across adjacent superpixels while a global RBM provided location-based labelling.

  • Results showed the benefit of combining the techniques, but superpixel-based classification held back performance.

“Heterogeneous Stream Computing in SAVI,” ECE1548 Project Report, 2013

  • Proposed a method of mapping streaming task graphs on to virtualized heterogeneous resources in a cloud environment.

  • Compute kernel management and routing inspired by Software Defined Networking to simplify global control.

  • Preliminary prototype designed with x86 virtual machines, virtualized FPGA kernels and OpenFlow.

“A High-Performance Architecture for Training Viola-Jones Object Detectors,” MASc Project, 2012 Thesis, Paper

  • Training an ensemble of decision trees is highly task parallel but not well suited for GPUs

  • Developed a PCIe-FPGA system targeting a Xilinx Virtex-6 device to accelerator this task using a systolic array architecture

  • Performance of the floorplanned array scaled linearly and outperformed the multi-threaded OpenCV implementation

“Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction for Music Feature Extraction,” CSC2515 Project Report, 2010

2-D Visualization of Compressed Features 
  • Experimented with PCA, Autoencoders, LLE and t-SNE as methods for compressing high-dimensional audio features for music genre classification.

  • Compression would allow for short feature tags to group together similar types of music in large databases.

  • Results found the t-SNE performed the best in maintaining neighbourhood structure.