Digital Hardware and Software Engineer ResearchI am interested in hardware design, reconfigurable computing and machine learning. In the past I have designed high-performance and multi-FPGA accelerators for Object Detectors and neural networks. I was also involved with the early development of the Xilinx SDAccel tools for integrating FPGA accelerators in the OpenCL heterogeneous computing framework. Most recently, I have been applying Gaussian processes in Bayesian optimization techniques to perform design-space exploration of High-Level Synthesis and other hardware generators. Other ProjectsFlexible Gaussian process Library GitHub
“Image Labelling using Feature Learning and Boltzmann Machine-Augmented CRFs,” ECE1510 Project Report, 2014
Evaluated the combination of Neural Networks, Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) and Restricted Boltzmann Machines for image labelling.
Image segmentation was performed to obtain superpixels which were inferred using a neural network.
A CRF was then used to smooth labelling across adjacent superpixels while a global RBM provided location-based labelling.
Results showed the benefit of combining the techniques, but superpixel-based classification held back performance.
Proposed a method of mapping streaming task graphs on to virtualized heterogeneous resources in a cloud environment.
Compute kernel management and routing inspired by Software Defined Networking to simplify global control.
Preliminary prototype designed with x86 virtual machines, virtualized FPGA kernels and OpenFlow.
Training an ensemble of decision trees is highly task parallel but not well suited for GPUs
Developed a PCIe-FPGA system targeting a Xilinx Virtex-6 device to accelerator this task using a systolic array architecture
Performance of the floorplanned array scaled linearly and outperformed the multi-threaded OpenCV implementation
Experimented with PCA, Autoencoders, LLE and t-SNE as methods for compressing high-dimensional audio features for music genre classification.
Compression would allow for short feature tags to group together similar types of music in large databases.
Results found the t-SNE performed the best in maintaining neighbourhood structure.